How Stomex works

Explore listings

Sign-up for free and browse through listings.

Trust and verification

Complete and verify your profile.

Unlock exclusive benefits

Start posting and swapping homes for an enhanced travel experience. Unlock even more rewards through referrals.

Seamless home exchanges

Enjoy unlimited exchanges fully covered by our damage protection package.

How to Book a Trip

Complete your personal profile (all members) and home profile (swaps and hosts)
Browse posts or create your own post to find your ideal travel
  • Browse Posts: Filter by location, travel dates, type of travel experience, gender, and number of roommates
  • Create Post: Select the type of travel you’re offering or looking for, choose the dates, add a title and description, and determine a price range if hosting for cash
Set up your perfect trip
  • See a post you like? Request to contact someone about their post and wait for a response from our admin team
  • Make sure to reply to incoming requests from our admin team about your posts
Confirm your trip to finalize your travel
  • If both parties are interested, admin team will create a group chat with your fellow member, guests, and roommates involved. This is where everyone will ask questions and discuss logistics and details of trip (transportation, how to get in building, house rules, etc.)
Secure your trip by choosing an optional insurance package, then start travelling!

Types of Stomex Travel

Direct Swaps

"I go to your place this weekend, you go to mine"

Exchange with Stomex Points

-Host others while you're away, earn points for hosting

-Spend the travel points you earned to stay at other places

Host or Travel for Cash

-Similar to other vacation rental platforms

-Hosts set nightly fee


-Host/stay on others' couches

-Swap entire homes including roommates

-Other custom experiences

Insurance and Support Fee: $10 USD/night

Ensure your safety and peace of mind with up to $50,000 in damage and theft protection.

Learn More

What are Stomex Points?

Stomex Points give people the opportunity to be rewarded while they are away from their student home.

Members earn Stomex Points when they host and spend Stomex Points when they travel, allowing for non-direct swaps at the same low cost.

1 Night Hosted = 1 Stomex Point

It's that simple.

Street view with the CN tower in the distance

How are roommates involved?

We invite all roommates to create a guest-only profile
  • Increases transparency with guests so they can find people with common interests/values
  • Easy to track and gift Stomex travel rewards
Become part of the #Stomexperience
  • Guests are looking to make friends with other students and get the local experience
  • Be active and honest throughout communication with host and guests. If you prefer privacy, just say so!
Earn rewards and build relationships with guests
  • Choose a Stomex reward every time your roommate hosts someone
A selfie of two friends, one guy and one girl

Roommate and Referral Rewards

We want to make your travel affordable and fun!

Pre-game drinks (up to $30)
Event tickets (up to $25 discount)
Club guestlist / first round drinks (up to $25)
Stomex Points for future travel
Transportation cost discount (up to $25)
Other customizable reward, just let us know!

Our Guarantees

Damage and Theft Coverage

Up to $50,000 in damage and theft coverage through various insurance packages

Trust, Verification, and Vibes

We vet every member through a phone call and verify that they are a student or new grad. We also make sure we vibe with them so you will too :)


Only members accepted to our private community can view posts and information

24/7 Customer Support

Available to assist you throughout your travel process, including personal emergency support.

Join our Community

Get early access to the Stomex platform and start travelling today

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